Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Open multiple addresses at once
Hate using your mouse to organize your tabs? Move active tab using Alt+Shift+Right and Alt+Shift+Left.
Manage and access your link and tab collections on both Android and PC.
Turns your new tab into a virtual desktop to manage bookmarks.
Minimize Window Button
This is a fork of with colorful tabs. This addon displays all your tabs as a tree in a sidebar. Additionally to the original Tree Style Tab Addon this version adds colors to tabs.
New root tabs are placed at the top of the Tree Style Tab sidebar.
Survol saves you tabs and time by previewing every link you hover
Displays the "Leave Page" prompt to avoid accidentally closing the current window. **BUG** To allow Firefox to shut down, click Stay on page and the Close This Tab button before you exit.
Open With Opera sends pages, links, tabs and images from Mozilla Firefox to Opera.
Opens multiple pages with continuous numbering in the URL
Tabs tree, bookmarks and history in a highly configurable sidebar. Zen browser specific build.
Cleans up duplicate tabs automatically.
Go forward and back active tab history with Alt+,(comma) and Alt+.(period)
A simple Firefox extension to close the current tab.
Quickly open a new tab in any specified Firefox container. Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Comma.
Extension that allows you to group your tabs.
Change a new tab to you firefox-homepage.
Snoops for video/audio urls.
Switch to hovered tab without clicking in Tree Style Tab.