Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
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Cleans web pages of all unnecessary visual elements, retains only the essential content: text, illustrations and images; layout and typography are customizable. In addition, this tool manages a bibliographic database, a persistent offline annotation.
Shows the 64-bit Steam ID of any Steam profile on the right sidebar and allows for quick copying to your clipboard.
Instead of bookmarking a web page save its copy on Cloud. Bookmarked link may change or disappear but saved page will not. Organize saved pages into a knowledge base. Visit home page and see why saving pages is better then bookmarking.
Templated copies of text for annoations.
Shows the browser's version as icon
Invert colors of webpages for better readability in dark environments.
Edit an HTML element and all its child nodes in VIM text editor with real-time updates
180+ Google products readily available at your fingertips!
The menu for translation/switching between the current tab and a tab with one of translators in the current or another window.
Firefox extension for auto closing tabs that meet certain criteria. Currently supports regex for the title of a page. Useful when behind a proxy like Privoxy which blocks certain pages.
Add a button to popup your bookmarks. Just a simple list without any decorations, only useful information you're needed.
This extension shows the age of the cast members at the time of the premiere of a film, a series (the first season) or a chapter.
Checks the config and restarts Home Assistant found in active browser tab with single button quick access, no configuration required
Watch YouTube videos on any site in a floating, always on top window. Scroll down to the comment section to see it in action! The player will stay on the screen even after navigating to another site.
Search synonyms for selected text using
Transferring subscriptions from one YouTube account to another