Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Track and save research topics and related web pages.
Share Your Tabs Easily.!
Quickly send links to your ClipGPT account
wrangle data from any web page
Generate QR code for current tab
Highlight the text on any website and make a note. Share the notes with your friends or colleagues and engage in discussion. The extension comes with the helper Mark and Note web app
Send articles to Shlock or to any web backend. The endpoint is configurable in options.
Elite reader mode with premium features.
Add keywords from popup to page content and then drag and drop keywords to form input fields. Enhances form filling. Addition features are URL whitelist on which extension is enabled and saving/retrieving data from database.
Manage and group your tabs easily.
Save bookmarks of your favorite sites on the "New Tab" page easy and safely.
MarkTagged - bookmark manager with folders, tags and client side encryption
Turbocharge your browser tab management experience. TurboNav helps you easily manage your tabs, schedule tabs for later, create focus sessions, block distracting websites, and much more, with a command interface. It's designed for quick access.
minimalist & small (21KB zipped) new tab page. Instantly load without any network traffic.
GetLinks by RPRADO is a handy Firefox extension that allows you to easily retrieve and save the Table Titles and URLs of all open tabs in your browser.
HackerEarth Extension keeps you updated with upcoming challenges and other resources on HackerEarth.
You can Calculate simple interest and compound interest
Quickly bookmark any page you have discovered to your account.