Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud, and GMX
Right-click to search the selected text with Google Map
The Easync Firefox Extension show you to view data about the Chrome Extension on Chrome Webstore without going inside the extension
Puts a hostname or a URL in the window title. It does not modify the title of a tab, just the window title. It does not inject any JavaScript code to a website, so it can't corrupt, nor can it be corrupted by it.
A cat that can walk around on your page
Enables Instagram chat for the desktop.
Sticky notes for the Internet
Redirects to
Adds a New Tab button to the toolbar.
Change the color of visited link with the color of your choice
Enhance your experience on, &!
Automatically load webpages in Firefox's Reader View – as the default for the websites you specify.
A highly customizable dark theme for Instagram homepage and search
Find and highlight multiple words on webpages. Count occurrences, browse the results and locate words with colorful scrollbar marks.
Shows Trello card IDs for use in commits and for other quick references. Copy the ID to the clipboard by clicking on it.
For Pinterest. Puts a big ol' gap where promoted pins used to be. It ain't PinBlock, but it's better than nothing.
Extra sounds for your Firefox (Navigation, downloads, and more)
Makes smartschool smart. This extension turns Smartschool into dark mode, light mode or even a custom mode Source code: currently the extension isnt working that good but im working on it;
User can test the look of a website on different mobile devices
The most up to date. Copy-paste Emojis everywhere. Compatible with Win, Mac, Linux and iOS, Android. Works for every website/App.
Dark mode for Google Classroom
Add a button to popup any bookmarks folder. By default settings the bookmarks toolbar pops up.