ZEIT-IO-AddOn v1.8.0
This is the Chrome extension for ZEIT.IO. You can use the timer to start, pause, resume, and stop your times. After stopping your times you can assign them to a ZEIT.IO project and add a comment. With this extension you can track your times independently from the ZEIT.IO website.
Through this extension you get integrations for various ticket systems, too. That means you can start the timer directly from a ticket in JIRA for example. And if you finish your time tracking, the comment field is pre-filled with the ticket ID and ticket title. Supported ticket systems are:
- GitHub
- Gitlab
- YouTrack
- Zendesk
- Trello
When you tracked your time directly from a ticket, the ticket number is clickable in ZEIT.IO and directly linked to the ticket. And of course you can filter for a certain ticket number and see how many hours have been booked on a certain ticket.