

James Fray

YouTube use Flash Player v0.1.3resigned1

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4.45 (172 reviews)
Force YouTube to use Flash player over the HTML5 player YouTube use Flash Player

YouTube use Flash Player extension forces YouTube to prefer Flash player over the default HTML5 player. flash player usually performs better on low end devices.

Not that this extension only requests Flash player on youtube's web site to be as lightweight as possible. This means embedded players on other website still can use the default HTML5 player. To watch them in Flash just click on the video to let it open in a new tab.

For the extension to function, you need to refresh YouTube tabs

--- My other YouTube tools ---

  • YouTube use Flash Player
  • YouTube in HD (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p)
  • YouTube no Annotations
  • YouTube no Buffer (no autoplay)
  • YouTube Stop AutoPlay Next
  • YouTube toggle Flash and HTML
  • YouTube Player AdBlocker
  • YouTube auto Pause and Resume
  • YouTube™ Stop Button
  • Theater Mode for YouTube (YouTube Wide Screen)
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