

James Fray

YouTube No Annotations v0.1.5resigned1

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1.83 (6 reviews)
Prevents YouTube HTML5 and Flash players from auto-enabling annotations YouTube No Annotations

YouTube™ No Annotations prevents YouTube from displaying annotations when an unloader adds them to the video. Please note that this extension only prevents annotations when YouTube player is loaded for the first time. So if you want to see no annotations open YouTube videos in a new browser tab.

--- My other YouTube tools ---

  • YouTube use Flash Player
  • YouTube in HD (720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p)
  • YouTube no Annotations
  • YouTube no Buffer (no autoplay)
  • YouTube Stop AutoPlay Next
  • YouTube toggle Flash and HTML
  • YouTube Player AdBlocker
  • YouTube auto Pause and Resume
  • YouTube™ Stop Button
  • Theater Mode for YouTube (YouTube Wide Screen)
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