Yobi v0.1
Yobi is a basic Firefox extension which allows to run public or private YARA rules on all scripts and pages rendered by the browser. Yobi saves files that trigger its rules and allows further inspection of them.
Yobi is completely serverless - no telemetry or other information is collected.
YARA rules are fetched from a repository of JS rules I created: js-yara-rules. The repo consists of free JS rules I found on the internet and some I wrote myself. Feel free to create pull requests for additional relevant rules.
You can change the YARA rules the extension runs under Add-ons->Yobi->Preferences.
Source Code and additional info available at https://github.com/imp0rtp3/Yobi/
YARA rules available at https://github.com/imp0rtp3/js-yara-rules.
Tags: anti malware antivirus security