X-notifier (for Gmail,Hotmail,Yahoo,AOL ...) v4.2.23 

X-notifier(aka WebMail Notifier) checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails.
You can use multiple accounts in a same host.
Currently supports
- Gmail (Gmail & Google Apps)
- Yahoo (yahoo.com, ymail.com, rocketmail.com, yahoo.co.jp)
- Hotmail (hotmail.com, outlook.com, msn.com, live.com)
- AOL (aol.com, aim.com)
- Daum (daum.net, hanmail.net)
- Naver
- Nate (nate.com, empas.com)
X-notifier 4.0 does not support user script because of the internal changes in Firefox.
Below sites are supported by user script.
- Facebook
- AdSense
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- sina.com
- yandex.ru
- 163.com(126.com, yeah.net)
- mail.ru
- www.gmx.net
- www.gmx.com
- freemail.web.de
- poczta.fm(poczta.interia.pl)
- www.qq.com
You can find more scripts for X-notifier 3 here.
If you want other webmail provider, you can make your own script.
Please don't bug report here. Use Forum or Twitter.
You can always download the latest version here.