


Wi-Fi QR code generator v1.0.2

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4.50 (2 reviews)
This generate Wi-Fi QR code. By scanning the generated QR code with your smartphone's QR code reader app, you can register Wi-Fi access point information on your smartphone. Wi-Fi QR code generator Wi-Fi QR code generator Wi-Fi QR code generator Wi-Fi QR code generator

  • From a context menu (right click menu) of selected text in webpages, you can generate Wi-Fi QR code with the text as pre-shared key or as SSID.
  • From a toolbar button, you can generate Wi-Fi QR code.
  • The generated QR code is conformable to the ZXing library. Scan this with supported smartphone applications, it recognizes Wi-Fi QR code and save Wi-Fi accesspoint settings to your smartphone.

Supported Apps
  • iPhone's standard Camera app
  • Some Android's standard Camera app
  • Android's Barcode Scanner app