


Whenplane Widget v2.1.0

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5.00 (3 reviews)
Replaces the LTT Floatplane/Twitch offline box with a countdown to the WAN show from Whenplane Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget Whenplane Widget

A simple extension that replaces the Offline box and image with a countdown from Whenplane. Only applies to the LinusTechTips channels, because they are the only Floatplane/Twitch channels where the WAN show is live-streamed.

It only replaces the "offline" box, so as soon as any livestream starts, the whenplane widget will be removed, and the livestream will play like normal.

This addon also adds a search provider, which means you can search something using The WAN Show Search faster. Type @wan into the url bar to do this.

The addon also has a few other features, including a "Show Info" box on WAN Show VODs on Youtube and Floatplane, and a Floatplane "Live Status" box, which will allow you to see how long they have been live.

All features other than the main offline player widget are optional and can be disabled by clicking on the extension's icon.