Vaia's Repost Annihilator v1.2.1resigned1
This plugin hides and skips through reposts in the SoundCloud stream.
Motivation: Allowing users to listen to original music of the artists they follow/like, rather than the music which the followed artists think is good. Naturally, sometimes you might want to hear the reposts, too, for whatever reason, hence the added Reposts-option.
Copied information from my Developer Profile:
I love SoundCloud for many reasons, the way it handles files, uploads and such, the way you can share the music you create with others, and many more.
Still, something bugged me. Of course, not everyone can create tons of tracks each day, but there are many people using the reposting feature. They're using it so much, that the few original tracks of the artists I follow are practically impossible to find.
Google showed me that there's a plugin for Chrome (which, from what I read, would hide the reposted tracks) - but there was nothing for Firefox. So I decided to write my own plugin which hides the reposted tracks, and skips over them during playback. Naturally, the reposted tracks are not "gone", so I added a new button in the stream, which does the opposite - hiding (and skipping) all tracks, just not the reposts.