UTags - Add usertags to links v0.8.10
Allow users to add custom tags to links. For example, you can add tags to forum members or posts.
Not it supports
- www.v2ex.com
- greasyfork.org and sleazyfork.org
- hacker news (news.ycombinator.com)
- lobste.rs
- github.com
- www.reddit.com
- twitter.com
- mp.weixin.qq.com
- www.instagram.com
- www.threads.net
- www.facebook.com
- www.youtube.com
- www.bilibili.com
- www.tiktok.com
- www.52pojie.cn
- juejin.cn
- zhihu.com
- xiaohongshu.com
- pornhub.com
- weibo.com, weibo.cn
- sspai.com
- douyin.com
- podcasts.google.com
- rebang.today
More information: https://github.com/utags/utags
Tags: facebook reddit twitter user scripts youtube