Unskew My Search v2.0.9
When you search for anything news- or information-related, your search engine uses your personal information, combined with their own needs, to direct your behavior online. Unskew My Search shows what your searches would look like if the search engine didn’t know who you are.
How It Works
1. Unskew My Search begins by reading your Google search term and comparing it to a keyword list of news and information terms.
2. If your search matches a term on the keyword list, our server runs the exact same term through a proxy that has no affiliation with you, your IP address, or any data associated with you.
3. The unaffiliated search results are then transferred from our servers to your browser extension, which compares your personal results with the unaffiliated search results.
4. Unskew My Search then highlights which results your search engine is ranking higher for you, which are ranked lower for you, and which results would have been removed from your Page 1.
5. If you have approved anonymous information sharing, your results are saved with no identifying information from you. This helps us to improve the app for you and other users.
Learn about more Unskew My Search and how we are working to get the internet back to transparency and respect at www.unskewmysearch.com