
tumblr video downloader and enhancer v0.2.9resigned1

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3.95 (40 reviews)
+ download to video player; + volume slider; preview supported; Disclaimer: This is not an official Tumblr app. tumblr video downloader and enhancer tumblr video downloader and enhancer tumblr video downloader and enhancer


Attention: Incompatible with "Better Tumblr Video", which would remove default tumblr player

Chrome extension for tumblr, add right-click menu to download native video in dashboard, profile, explore and so on.
add download button to video player; add volume slider; preview supported; add right-click menu to download native videos.

1. Right-click to download native video you wish to.
2. Auto retry when it interrupted due to terrible network condition.
3. Add download button in native video player, one-click to download.
4. Add Volume Controller in native video player, scroll up volume supported.
5. Auto remember last volume.
6. Support Video Preview.
7. Works in *, dashboard, profile pages, explore/video, you name it.
8. Only support native video. Instagram, youtube and vimeo videos are not supported.
9. Incompatible with "Better Tumblr Video", which would remove default tumblr player

## v 0.2.7
show post timestamp in dashboard.

## v 0.2.6
fix a issue

## v 0.2.5
+download status icon.
fix a issue.

## v 0.2.4
reverse scroll direction of video progress bar.
scroll down to fast-forward.
scroll up to rewind.

## v 0.2.3
fix a issue that some user don't have right-click menu.

## v 0.2.2
+ progress bar scrolling control.
+ Mozilla Firefox extension compatible, rewrite resume downloading algorithm (unfortunately FF doesn't support resume downloading after network restored)