


Tolgee Tools v1.8.2

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Translate your web application more effectively with Tolgee plugin! Tolgee Tools Tolgee Tools Tolgee Tools Tolgee Tools Tolgee Tools

Tolgee Tools Firefox plugin is integral part of Tolgee ecosystem.

With Tolgee Tools plugin, you can modify translations live on your page, so you can see the location of all translations. Find out how exactly the page will look with the newly added translation.

How to

1. Install Tolgee Tools plugin
2. Go to the production version of your website, which is using Tolgee SDK
3. Click on Tolgee Tools extension and apply your API key
4. You are done! In-context translating should work


• Quick screenshot capture for app localization
• In-context localization on production

Want to learn more?