Symbaloo Homepage and Search v1.0.4
Symbaloo Homepage and Search helps you save, organize, and share your favorites! Preferred by millions of educators worldwide
Create a homepage and provide yourself with one-click access to your favorite online bookmarks with Symbaloo (it’s free!). Easily save links to websites, videos, web docs, and more.
Our cloud-based bookmarking application is accessible from all major web browsers and Internet-connected devices, ensuring you never lose access to your resources.
Since, 2014 over 10 million people have been using Symbaloo as their homepage!
Symbaloo's main advantages are:
* No need to manually type in a web address
* Visit your bookmarks with a single click
* Never lose your favorite websites
* Easily share your favorites with others
* Sync automatically between computers, tablets, and smartphones
* Find and add the best content from other users
* Integrated RSS reader for your favorite news sources
* Personalize your Symbaloo with custom backgrounds, logos, colors, and more!
* Add your own embedded widget to your homepage.
* Discover Curated collections of the best online websites with Symbaloo Webspaces