SVODEX - IMDb Ratings for Netflix, HBO Max, Disney v3.3.5
Adds the IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes rating to every available title on Netflix, Disney+ and HBO Max
Adds IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings to Netflix, Disney+ and HBO Max titles.
Simply enable the extension and hover over any title on Netflix or HBO Max, or click on any title on Disney+ to see the ratings.
Very efficient on CPU and memory, this lightweight extension adds IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings to every title available.
- Displays IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on every title card on Netflix.
- Displays IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on every title card on HBO Max.
- Displays IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings on every details page on Disney Plus.
- Support for Prime Video, Hulu and more coming soon.
Please rate this extension if you find it helpful.
Tags: streaming