

Ramkumar K R

Snooze tabs v0.2.0

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3.35 (26 reviews)
Snooze tabs to open at a specific time. Select any predefined options such as tomorrow, next week etc., or pick your date and time. Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs Snooze tabs

Snooze tabs to open at a specific time in the future.
Ex: Open this website after 4 hours.

- Click on the icon in the toolbar and select the time when you want to be reminded for the link the current tab.
- A notification is shown when a tab is snoozed.
- Clicking on the manage snoozed tabs button in the toolbar popup will show a list of links which are snoozed and a button to remove them.
- The same list can also be accessed from the sidebar.
- When the snoozed time of a tab is up, the tab is opened and a notification is shown.
- Tabs which were in incognito when snoozed will be opened in an incognito window when the time is up
- Normal tabs which were pinned when snoozed will be pinned when the time is up

Some drawbacks
- Tabs will always be opened in the background.
- Snoozed incognito tabs will always open in a new incognito window even if an incognito window is already present.
- A tab which is pinned in incognito and snoozed will not respect the tab pinned status.

I would request you to please contribute to mozilla so that they can make firefox a lot more awesome.