Roam Toolkit v0.5.3
Watch the how-to video here:
Roam Toolkit development is supported by service - an easy way to publish the results of your thinking from Roam as a static site (digital garden).
Currently supported functionality is:
* FuzzyDate - transform the date entered in the human format into the Roam format. For example if you type in ;fri; it's going to replace it with the properly formatted vale for next Friday, so at the moment it's output would be [[March 13th, 2020]].
See it in action here:
* Implements SM2 Spaced repetition algorithm (Anki version) as described here: for Roam blocks.
Put a cursor inside the block and pres Ctrl+Shift+ [number between 1 and 4 signifying ease of remembering this card], and the plugin is going to reschedule the Block accordingly (tagging it with the appropriate date and some metadata tags)
* If you put the cursor inside the date or a number and then press Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down - the date would be incremented or decremented. They keyboard shortcut is configurable.
* Applying custom CSS to Roam website.
* Adds shortcuts to delete and duplicated the block
* You can do estimates based on the attribute values attached to the block & Roam query.