Right Click Wiktionary v11.1
Maintenance notice:
I recommend trying out https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/contextual-wiktionary/ , as it is the successor of Right Click WIktionary, better maintained these days, receives more updates, and is more open to feature requests.
Easy dictionary. Select text and right click.
It's a lightweight addon for a specific job: dictionary lookup.
By default uses the English Wiktionary (en.wiktionary.org). You can change your language preference in the preferences page (surprise there).
I'm not affiliated with Wiktionary or the Wikimedia foundation in any way.
- context menus
- https://en.wiktionary.org/api/rest_v1/page/definition/*
- the wiktionary API page that provides the translations.
- storage
- Needed for options (themes/language choice)
- Because everyone has different preferences/setups and making the popup readable is essential for the addon.
If you like it then consider donating some money to charity.