Reading Aid v2.1

This add-on enables browser changing the background color, change the font of some texts, change the cursor to a rectangle (that allows to pass over text and change the localized color, but keeping the mouse functions intact), add space between words and add space between lines. Although sometimes not everything works 100% (some websites have setup that doesn't allow it, or that get worse with changing), we can combine the tools to find a good strategy that might help. All this tools are common strategies for people with dyslexia and ADHD.
This plugin was possible thanks to, that allows the public usage of a great font that helps people with dyslexia, thanks to ChatGPT that helped with some pieces of the code, thanks to Filipe Kane for the artwork, thanks to S. Natural (therapy center) that helped with cooperation, and thanks to our unnamed testers (with dyslexia, ADHD, etc.), that tested and helped improve it. Many thanks to them all!