“Post!” button (Postila.ru) v41.13.9

A handy tool to collect and post knitting schemes, recipes, and other ideas -- "Post!" button from Postila.
From Russia with love.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ «I cannot express how much I love this website!» (Helen Zam)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ «I like it a lot! It's kinda small version of my computer» (Nadyа Chermemkova)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ «What we wrote in our notebooks, paper sheets (and then later lost), collect pieces of magazines and then also lost -- all this is now always available, clear and convenient!!! I recommend this to all! Thank you for such a gift!» (Elena Djura)
Official free extension of Postila project (http://en.postila.io/) for Firefox browser.
Short address of this extension (send this link to a friend!): POST.POSTILA.RU
Customer Care and Support Center: http://pishite.postila.ru/?lang=en