


Popup To Tab v0.2.2

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4.55 (11 reviews)
Turns all popup windows into tabs (of the current window). Simply right-click on any tab and choose 'Move Popups Here'. Popup To Tab

Hate it when websites open their portals in a popup window because they're so special and need to hide the back and forward buttons? Chrome has the ability to convert popup windows into regular windows by right-clicking on the popup's system icon and choosing "Show as Tab", so why can't Firefox?

With this add-on you can now turn a popup window into a tab window and merge it into your main tab window. That way everything fits neatly into your tabs and you don't have windows flying everywhere.

The next time you have a popup open, simply right-click on any tab in another window and choose "Move Popups Here" and any popup windows will be merged into that active window as a tab.

Permission Disclosure:

I am pleased to report that this extension requests no discernible permissions, so you may use it in complete confidence.