


Org Web Capture v0.3.3

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A helper for capturing web pages via org-protocol in emacs and supporting org-roam captures.

1 Org Web Capture Extension

This is an extension for Firefox (tm) which adds a “Capture” button,
sending the site address, title, and selected text (if any) to emacs
via org-protocol.

In case it’s a event page it will perform an additional API
call to and get the event details.

2 Detailed setup instructions

2.1 Install the extension

Install from <> website under the name [Org
Web Capture].

[Org Web Capture]

2.2 Set up org-protocol

The gist of it is to make your system recognize emacsclient as the
handler of `org-protocol://' links. In addition, one needs to set up
emacs to load org-protocol and to set up capture templates.

2.2.1 Register emacsclient as the ```org-protocol``` handler

◊ Under Linux (non-KDE)

│ mkdir -p "${HOME}/.local/share/applications/"
│ cat > "${HOME}/.local/share/applications/org-protocol.desktop" << EOF
│ [Desktop Entry]
│ Name=org-protocol
│ Exec=emacsclient %u
│ Type=Application
│ Terminal=false
│ Categories=System;
│ MimeType=x-scheme-handler/org-protocol;

And then
│ update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

2.2.2 Configure Emacs

◊ Init file

│ (server-start)
│ (require 'org-protocol)

◊ Capture templates

│ ("l" "Web site" entry (file+headline (lambda () (concat org-directory "/")) "Inbox")
│ "* %a\nCaptured On: %U\nWebsite: %l\n\n%i\n%?")

│ ("m" "meetup" entry (file "~/nextcloud/") "* %?%:description \n%i\n%l")

◊ Org-roam `roam-ref' templates

`Org-roam' has special capture templates, and thus they are to be
configured differently. Read more org-roam [roam-ref protocol].
│ (setq org-roam-capture-ref-templates '(("l" "web" plain "%i\n%?"
│ :target (file+head "%<%Y%m%d>-${slug}.org"
│ "#+title: ${title}")
│ :unnarrowed t)))

[roam-ref protocol]

2.2.3 Configure extension

For some reason I need to configure the extension and save a change
before it works.

You can use the shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+L” to trigger the page capture.

3 Development

Have nodejs installed and install the tool `web-ext'
│ npm install --save-dev web-ext
To launch the dev instance an a clean browser use:
│ npm run start:dev
To produce the release build
│ npm run build

4 License

4.1 This is a fork of <>

This repository is licensed as MIT license, see the LICENSE file for

5 Changes

5.1 v0.3.1

• Some code cleanup. Ship CSS instead of pulling tachyons from unpkg

5.2 v0.3.0

• Support capturing to org-roam roam-ref-templates. Just mark the
checkbox on the config and the standard web request will go to
`roam-ref' instead of capture.

5.3 v0.2.6

• Include the how to find information in meetup template