LibJS Detector v1.1.1

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Detects the JavaScript libraries running on a page and displays their icons in the address bar. LibJS Detector LibJS Detector LibJS Detector LibJS Detector

LibJS Detector WebExtension discovers which JavaScript libraries are being
utilized on webpages that you visit and displays their icons on the Firefox Menu. Currently
Release 1.1.0 - Added October CMS and Joomla detectors
- [AMP](
- [AmplifyJS](
- [Angular](
- [AngularJS](
- [Backbone.js](
- [base2](
- [boomerang](
- [Bootstrap](
- Boq
- [Brewser](
- [CamanJS](
- [CanJS](
- [Closure Library](
- [ControlJS](
- [Core-js](
- [Create React App](
- [CreateJS](
- [D3](
- [DC.js](
- [Dojo](
- [Drupal](
- [Ember.js](
- [Ext JS](
- [Fabric.js](
- [FastClick](
- [FlexSlider](
- [Flot Charts](
- [Foundation](
- [Framer](
- [FuseJS](
- [Gatsby](
- [Glow](
- [Google Maps](
- [Guess.js](
- [gRaphaël](
- [Greensock JS](
- [GWT](
- [Hammer.js](
- [Handlebars](
- [HeadJS](
- [Highcharts](
- [IfVisible.js](
- [InfoVis](
- [Ink](
- [Isotope](
- [jQuery](
- [jQuery Mobile](
- [jQuery Tools](
- [jQuery UI](
- [Kento UI](
- [Knockout](
- [LABjs](
- [Leaflet](
- [Lodash](
- [Magento](
- [Mapbox](
- [Marionette](
- [Marko js](
- [Material Design Lite](
- [Matter.js](
- [MochiKit](
- [Modernizr](
- [Moment.js](
- [Moment Timezone](
- [MooTools](
- [Move.js](
- [Mustache.js](
- [Next.js](
- [Numeral.js](
- [Nuxt.js](
- [Paper.js](
- [PhiloGL](
- [Pixi.js](
- [Polymer](
- [Popcorn](
- [Preact](
- [Processing.js](
- [Prototype](
- [Pusher](
- [Qooxdoo](
- [Raphaël](
- [React](
- [RequireJS](
- [Rico](
- [RightJS](
- [Riot](
- [Sammy.js](
- [](
- [Sea.js](
- [Shopify](
- [Socket.IO](
- [SPF](
- [Spine](
- [SproutCore](
- [Spry](
- [SWFObject](
- [Swiffy](
- [Three.js](
- [Tween.js](
- [Two](
- [TYPO3](
- [Underscore](
- [Vaadin](
- [Velocity.js](
- [Visibility.js](
- [Vue.js](
- [Web Font Loader](
- [Wix](
- Wiz
- [WordPress](
- [WorkBox](
- [Yepnope](
- [YUI](
- [Zepto](

It is based on [Library-Detector-for-Chrome](

### Limitations
- WebExtension only works on sites that allow content scripts.
### License