LibJS Detector v1.1.1
LibJS Detector WebExtension discovers which JavaScript libraries are being
utilized on webpages that you visit and displays their icons on the Firefox Menu. Currently
Release 1.1.0 - Added October CMS and Joomla detectors
- [AMP](
- [AmplifyJS](
- [Angular](
- [AngularJS](
- [Backbone.js](
- [base2](
- [boomerang](
- [Bootstrap](
- Boq
- [Brewser](
- [CamanJS](
- [CanJS](
- [Closure Library](
- [ControlJS](
- [Core-js](
- [Create React App](
- [CreateJS](
- [D3](
- [DC.js](
- [Dojo](
- [Drupal](
- [Ember.js](
- [Ext JS](
- [Fabric.js](
- [FastClick](
- [FlexSlider](
- [Flot Charts](
- [Foundation](
- [Framer](
- [FuseJS](
- [Gatsby](
- [Glow](
- [Google Maps](
- [Guess.js](
- [gRaphaël](
- [Greensock JS](
- [GWT](
- [Hammer.js](
- [Handlebars](
- [HeadJS](
- [Highcharts](
- [IfVisible.js](
- [InfoVis](
- [Ink](
- [Isotope](
- [jQuery](
- [jQuery Mobile](
- [jQuery Tools](
- [jQuery UI](
- [Kento UI](
- [Knockout](
- [LABjs](
- [Leaflet](
- [Lodash](
- [Magento](
- [Mapbox](
- [Marionette](
- [Marko js](
- [Material Design Lite](
- [Matter.js](
- [MochiKit](
- [Modernizr](
- [Moment.js](
- [Moment Timezone](
- [MooTools](
- [Move.js](
- [Mustache.js](
- [Next.js](
- [Numeral.js](
- [Nuxt.js](
- [Paper.js](
- [PhiloGL](
- [Pixi.js](
- [Polymer](
- [Popcorn](
- [Preact](
- [Processing.js](
- [Prototype](
- [Pusher](
- [Qooxdoo](
- [Raphaël](
- [React](
- [RequireJS](
- [Rico](
- [RightJS](
- [Riot](
- [Sammy.js](
- [](
- [Sea.js](
- [Shopify](
- [Socket.IO](
- [SPF](
- [Spine](
- [SproutCore](
- [Spry](
- [SWFObject](
- [Swiffy](
- [Three.js](
- [Tween.js](
- [Two](
- [TYPO3](
- [Underscore](
- [Vaadin](
- [Velocity.js](
- [Visibility.js](
- [Vue.js](
- [Web Font Loader](
- [Wix](
- Wiz
- [WordPress](
- [WorkBox](
- [Yepnope](
- [YUI](
- [Zepto](
It is based on [Library-Detector-for-Chrome](
### Limitations
- WebExtension only works on sites that allow content scripts.
### License