Leads Finder v0.2.0.1

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Grow sales by collecting leads easily. Extract all emails from any web page. Includes Autovisit and bulk URLs emails extraction tool Leads Finder Leads Finder Leads Finder Leads Finder Leads Finder Leads Finder

πŸ•΅πŸ•΅πŸ•΅ Leads Finder: is a powerful web browser extension/addon to automatically find and extract email addresses (ID's) from anywhere on the web (from any webpage or url). This extension will allow you with just one click, to collect leads automatically without effort in a matter of seconds

🎨🎨🎨 Version 0.2.0: Leads Extension/Addon Features
βœ… Collected Emails: this button will open the extensions options page where you will find all extracted email addresses

πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ Web Pages: extract emails addresses from any website you visit
βœ… Extraction Enabled/Disabled: turn this option on to automatically collect email addresses from visited websites
βœ… Auto Visit: when searching on a web search engine such as Google or Microsoft Bing, this option will auto visit all the websites urls showing in the web search engine results to extract email addresses from these pages
βœ… 5s Delay: wait for 5 seconds before starting to extract email addresses from visited web pages. We have this option to delay the extraction process so we do not affect the performance of the web browser when loading webpages

πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“ URLs: extract emails addresses from any URLs you provide
βœ… One URL Per Line: paste/enter a list of web pages urls that you want to collect emails from in the text box
βœ… Start Extraction: will start the process of collecting email addresses from the url list you provided. The button will switch to β€œStop Extraction” in case you want to stop the process. When the email extraction process is complete, you will get a message β€œBulk Collection Complete! Click to continue.”

πŸ–₯️πŸ–₯️πŸ–₯️ Leads Options Page
βœ… In this page, you will find all the extracted email addresses with the following information: email id, domain, source website, first time found, and last time found
βœ… Download CSV: will download the collected emails in a csv file format
βœ… Download TXT: will download the collected emails in a txt file format
βœ… Delete All: will delete all the collected emails
βœ… You can also delete emails individually

ℹ️ℹ️ℹ️ Support Email: [email protected]
βœ… All translations are done with a translator. For any wrong translation please reach out to us
βœ… For any bugs found or feature request please do not hesitate to send us an email

Tags: search