KVK Search (worldwide) WE v1.0
Search shortcut: Type 'kvkww' followed by your search phrase into the address bar.
Search includes the following catalogs:
- DNB (German National Library)
- ÖNB (Austrian National Library)
- swissbib (Swiss university libraries and the Swiss national library)
- NLA (National Library of Australia)
- Det Kongelige Bibliotek (Royal Danish Library)
- Kansalliskirjasto (National Library of Finland)
- BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
- British Library
- NLI (National Library of Israel)
- KB (National Library of the Netherlands)
- BN (National Library of Poland)
- RSL (Russian State Library)
- BNE (National Library of Spain)
- NK (National Library of the Czech Republic)
- OSZK (Hungrian National Library)
- Worldcat
- Amazon.de, English Books
- Google Books