


Hbomb YouTube Censorship Addon v1.7resigned1

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4.05 (21 reviews)
This extension hides videos from the Skulls Parasite Unit. Hbomb YouTube Censorship Addon

Tired of seeing video recommendations from people who think Doritos commercials are misandry? Yet another atheist mans rights activist in your sidebar saying why video game feminism is wrong? Then worry no more with the Hbomb Youtube Censorship Addon.

This addon will hide most (if not all) of the recommendations of terrible youtubers I could think of at the top of my head. If there's any more I'll update this addon with them.

Have a look at the video (with a jingle!) at

Channels blocked include: maddox (from the year 2004), Aurini, thunderf00t, SargonofAkkad (All 4 of his channels), americassurvival, MensBusinessAsocEduc, RockingMrE, jordanowen42
stefbot, TheAmazingAtheist, MrRepzion, The Atheist Gamer, Mister Metokur, theignoredgender, weevlos, teal deer/tl;dr, The Alex Jones Channel, AlphaOmegaSin, MundaneMatt, PragerUniversity, realmattforney, NateTalksToYou, UMass College Republicans, hunteravallone, Chris Ray Gun, Rekt Feminist Videos, TokyoAtomic, Undoomed, Shoe0nHead, armouredskeptic, Harmful Opinions, Atheism is Unstoppable, Angry Foreigner, CultOfDusty, CringePlanet, Compilation Central, 50 Shades, Lauren Southern, Ben Sharpio, Computing Forever, SJWCentral, Suit Yourself, Mauritian Struggle, Antifeminist Australia, Bearing, bane666au