HaTeMiLe for Browser v3.2.1resigned1
Improve the accessibility of web pages, especially for users who use screen readers or navigate using the keyboard.
Features of HaTeMiLe for Browser:
- Enable all functionality of page available from a keyboard;
- Mark invalid fields;
- Mark required fields;
- Mark the range of fields;
- Mark fields with autocomplete;
- Provide a link to long description of image;
- Provide a table of contents;
- Provide skip navigation links;
- Associate data cells with it header cell;
- Associate labels with it respective fields;
- Display keyboard shortcuts of page;
- Display the title of element;
- Display when the link open a new window or tab;
- Display when the link is to download a file;
- Display the role of element;
- Display the state of element;
- Display the drag-and-drop attributes of element.