

Aaron Fong

GPTSelectReplacer v1.6

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Right click any highlighted text to perform quick customizable ChatGPT commands. GPTSelectReplacer GPTSelectReplacer GPTSelectReplacer

Requires a OpenAI api key. You can get a free trial key here.

Highlight any text, right click, select how you want to transform that text based on your own custom chatgpt instructions.

Create an instruction to emojify the highlighted text!
Create an instruction to fix all your spelling and grammar mistakes!

Then simply highlight the text you want to change and right click, then select your instruction from the drop down menu.

ChatGPT's API is not capable of web browsing, so asking it to link sources or search current information will not work correctly. (at least for now. If models are updated in the future this might change)
This Extension requires an OpenAI API-key with credits to function.

Tags: chat reddit user scripts zoom