Google Meet Attendance v1.4.5
This extension is intended for teachers (like me) who've had to rapidly transition to online classes and need a simple way to take attendance during a Google Meet. As you start your Meet, you can enter a list of expected invitees and the extension will automatically detect who joined the call and how long they stayed.. You can save multiple class lists (which are shared to all of your devices).
The extension records which students attended, when they arrived and how long they stayed with all of the information displayed in a tidy HTML report. See the `Getting Started` video:
The extension already supports English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch and Chinese... more languages can & will be added quickly. Please contact me if you'd like to help with this effort.
I am a teacher so I understand the importance of privacy... my extension does *not* track or transmit any student information or usage data. The privacy policy and all source code can be found at
If you have any questions, join the discussion on the Google Meet Attendance FaceBook page:
See additional videos at
I look forward to your feedback!