


Flugan v0.2.3

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5.00 (1 reviews)
News should be based on facts. Flugan identifies articles at that have a speculative title and transforms them to what they truly are - a pile of s**t. Flugan also removes DOM objects that it confidently identifies as ads.

Flugan checks the h2 html elements of the articles and conducts a regex match based on a predefined list. The list contains patterns such as "Expert: bla bla" or "Rykte: bla bla". If it matches it makes the title easy to distinguish when scrolling the news feed. This is especially important since it's easy to fall into the mind numb scrolling session when the information streams into your head. Flugan also checks for DOM objects that have been identified to contain ads, and removes them. It doesn't remove all of the ads, which would require a bit more of code complexity, which is not in scope of this project.