FireSSB v0.4.0
FireSSB lets you convert your favourite websites to SSB (Single Site Browser) application. FireSSB offers application experience like Chromium PWA.
Source code:
* Default and external Firefox profiles is supported.
* SSBs can have their start menu entry (needs user-interaction) and their windows.
* No native application depency (platform-independent).
* SSBs will have only titlebar for better experience.
* All websites can be used as SSB.
* Support for Firefox addon and features.
Known Issues:
* SSB windows can not be maximized with button. (Windows, Linux/X11)
* SSB windows is keeping on top of browser window. (Linux/Any)
> Hint: Use another profile to prevent this issue.
* SSB windows isn't groupped than browser window. (Any)
* Tabs: Required for
- Autofilling of SSB information. (Will not be used until click `Fill Info from Active Tab`)
- Opening websites in SSB mode.