Export StoryGraph v1.1
I wanted to be able to send my mom my To-Read list on StoryGraph because she wanted to know what to get me for Christmas. I quickly ran into numerous difficulties:
1. Sending a link to her would not work, as StoryGraph requires users to log into an account to view a To-Read pile.
2. There is no feature to export the To-Read pile, or any other list of books, to a human-readbale format.
3. Suggesting features requires a premium subscription, and there is no guarantee that the devs will implement your suggestion.
Thus, I learned how to make a Firefox extension and made this.
Right now the extension will export your to-read pile, your owned books, or your read books in a human-readable format to your clipboard or to a TXT file.
See https://github.com/ceccion/export-storygraph for the latest and greatest in StoryGraph Exporting Action.