eBay purchase history report v1.0.25resigned1

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2.83 (6 reviews)
Generates a compact report of your eBay purchase history items. Can be exported also as CSV, JSON and XML file eBay purchase history report eBay purchase history report

This lightweight add-on seemingly emerges into the eBay purchase history page by adding new button named Quick Report which provides a compact, sortable, groupable report, with subtotals by currency, by purchase date etc.

Additionally the report's raw data can be exported as a CSV, JSON or XML file.

Without loosing its compactness it will also allow you to preview the item's thumbnail on mouse-hover or to open its eBay detail page with just one click.

Furthermore it highlights by using different colors the following items:

  • items not yet shipped within 5 days
  • items with delivery date that exceeds 40 days from the purchase date
  • items with overdue delivery
  • items which you left a feedback (normally regarded as delivered).

Both the highlighting colors and the number of days are customizable options via add-on's options page.