Dred+ v1.2
Dred+ adds many quality of life improvements for the online IO game Dredark (https://drednot.io).
## Features
- Chat formatting : Chat is fancied up with custom ban, kick, leave, join, and promotion messages, and you can set a custom name color for yourself (only visible to you).
- MOTD Formatting (Coming Soon™) : Markdown is supported in MOTDs, so you can add bold, italic, and underlined text, headers, images, bullet points, and more.
- New UI (Coming Soon™) : The UI is given a fresh coat of paint with more modern looking CSS, and some new buttons and gadgets, including a long-wanted Rejoin button.
For Chrome users: The extension can be downloaded as a packed ZIP at the GitHub page: https://github.com/EpicRaisinGaming/dredplus/raw/main/versions/v1.2.zip