

Rob W

Display #Anchors v1.4resigned1

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4.86 (35 reviews)
Displays anchors for all content in the current web page without breaking the layout. Display #Anchors

Display #Anchors offers an easy way to see all (invisible) anchors in a page, to make it easier to link to a specific part of a webpage.


  • Finds all anchors in a page and shows a marker next to it.
  • Does not alter the layout; so no jumpy pages or expensive repaints.
  • The anchored content is highlighted on Hover over the marker.
  • The marker is highlighted on hover over the anchored content.
  • Click on the toolbar button to remove all markers.
  • Shortcut Alt + Shift + A to toggle anchors.
  • You can customize the label of the displayed anchor.

Source code, support and history: