Want to Listen v0.4

With this extension, when you're on an music album/mix on a site that Digs.fm can recognize, you'll be able to add the release to your 'Want to Listen' list with 1 click.
Sites that are currently supported:
- Discogs release page (e.g. https://www.discogs.com/master/1937235-Apifera-Overstand)
- Spotify album page (e.g. https://open.spotify.com/album/5fFftOUCiSbNfofIj8vXx0)
- Mixcloud show page (e.g. https://www.mixcloud.com/worldwidefm/pacific-spirit-dj-ddee-06-08-22/)
- Bandcamp album page (e.g. https://steveroach.bandcamp.com/album/what-remains)
- MusicBrainz release page (e.g. https://musicbrainz.org/release/b6df3481-5a7b-4d56-bfba-76d4d66480d5)
This extension only works if you're already signed in to Digs.fm.