


Digital Detox - Block distracting websites v1.5.20

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4.55 (11 reviews)
Give yourself a digital detox and block all distracting and time-consuming websites. From the toolbar, you can quickly add websites to block list or temporarily disable the blocking. Digital Detox - Block distracting websites Digital Detox - Block distracting websites

- Quickly block websites or temporarily disable blocking through the toolbar
- Auto-restores tabs when blocking is disabled
- No need to remember to re-enable blocking (happens automatically after 90 minutes – accept for tabs with playing media)
- Visit and block statistics on websites
- Browser-syncing supported
- Native styling (incl. dark mode)
- Privacy by design (no data is collected)

Supported languages
- EN / English
- ES / Spanish (by @oscfdezdz)
- HE / Hebrew (by @omeritzics)
- NL / Dutch

Permission request explanations
- Access your data for all websites: Digital Detox requests this permission to block websites. This works by matching all requested website URLs to the URLs on your website block list.
- Approaching browser tabs: For restoring tabs on pausing Digital Detox it needs access to all tabs.

Digital Detox is open source (see Github) and inspired by Impulse Blocker.