


Currency Converter NEO v1.4.0

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5.00 (5 reviews)
Free Currency Converter for real-time currency rates. Includes popular crypto currencies BTC and ETH. Fast and easy to use. Currency Converter NEO Currency Converter NEO Currency Converter NEO Currency Converter NEO Currency Converter NEO

Currency Converter NEO is a free tool to convert world currencies. It is a helper tool to assist with shopping, trading or just following the current rate of your favorite crypto currency.

The modern UI was designed with a focus on ease of use and love for details. You can switch easily between different currencies. The improved search selection offers keywords if you are not sure how a currency in a specific country is called. This way you can for instance search for "turkey", "crypto" or "south america" and you will get according results.

If you are using a dark theme for your system or browser Currency Converter NEO comes as well with a beautiful dark theme, refined and adapted to low light environments.

Tags: dark mode shopping