Cookie Editor Pro v2.0.6
A powerful, free, and user-friendly Visual Cookie Editor is Cookie Editor Pro. Manage all the cookies you've stored in your browser, including those from third parties. The user interface is tidy and well-structured.
Cookie Editor Pro - Few Key Features:
1. Viewing Cookies: Users have access to a complete list of all cookies that have been saved in their browser, along with details like the name, value, domain, path, and expiration date.
2. Editing Cookies: Users have the ability to modify the values of already-created cookies, changing the data that is stored there.
3. Cookies can be deleted individually or in bulk by users if they no longer need them.
4. Searching for Cookies: Users can use keywords to search for particular cookies, making it simpler for them to locate and modify or delete the cookies they want.
Standard Features:
+ Add a new cookie
+ Edit a cookie properties
+ Delete a cookie
+ Delete all cookies at once
+ Password protected Encrypted Storage
+ Ability to create your own custom cookie sets
+ Backup and Restore
+ Export to a file
+ Import from a file