Cookie Clicker v1.3
The addon, will try to find cookie banner and click on least permission button which can be "Necessary Cookies Only", "Reject All" etc,. If not found (because there are some sites which either say "Accept" or "Go to Settings" or various other reasons), then it clicks on "Accept" to remove the banner from user view.
If relevant buttons are not found, no action is performed.
I developed this for personal use and it works for sites I frequent, I put it here in case someone else finds it useful. It is very language dependent so works for English, and Italian pages.
There is a time lag of 2 seconds between page load complete and cutton clicking, beacuse many times the banner does not show up immediately. It does not bother me much so it is there, it might change in the future.
If you have some pages which it cannot parse and that you think would be useful to add here, you can reach out to me.