


breadcrumbus v1.0.6resigned1

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4.73 (15 reviews)
Break addresses of active tabs into navigable breadcrumbs: clicking the add-on icon or using the shortkey CTRL + , (comma) opens up a panel that contains the addresses of active tabs, broken into individually navigable pieces. breadcrumbus breadcrumbus breadcrumbus breadcrumbus breadcrumbus

Breadcrumbus breaks the address of active tabs into navigable pieces, based on the host, path, search and hash values of the URLs. For example, the address would be broken into breadcrumbs of, blog, 2017, 06, 13, faster-better-firefox. Thus, clicking for example the blog breadcrumb would be equal to navigating the currently active tab to

Appearance of the breacrumbs can be configured, via add-on settings, to be either horizontal, vertical or both.