

Young Shung
Young Shung

Better YouTube Shorts v3.7.2

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4.59 (79 reviews)
Playback controls (with J and L) and timestamp on YouTube Shorts. Better YouTube Shorts

⏭️ Control your YouTube Shorts just like a normal YouTube video! Features include progress bar, seeking, playback speed, auto skip and more. You can also customize the keybinds to your liking!

List of features:
- Progress bar at the bottom with time and duration
- Seeking 5 seconds backward and forward with arrow keys (adjustable time)
- Mini timestamp and speed above the like button (can be scrolled on!)
- Fullscreen support with F key and double click
- Decrease and increase playback speed with keys U and O
- Click the speed button to revert to normal speed or toggle between different speeds
- Toggle to auto skip short when current one ends
- Control volume with the volume slider or with - and =, mute audio with M
- Customizable keybinds
- 🌐 Supports more than 10 languages!

Extra features:
- Start short from beginning with J
- Go to the next or previous frame of the video
- Set default playback rate when first opening shorts
- Auto skip short with likes below custom threshold (e.g. 500 likes)
- Auto open comment section on each short
- Hide overlay on shorts (title, channel, etc.)
- Go to the next frame or previous frame with . and , while paused
- View counter and upload date above video title

Fully open-source with MIT License:

If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know here:

Tags: youtube