


Besser Pinned Tabs v1.5

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4.33 (3 reviews)
Protects pinned tabs against unintentional closures and prevents opening a different website inside a pinned tab.

Chrome-only features (Firefox already handles this behaviour natively)

  • Automatically reopens pinned tabs if they're accidentally closed, whether using keyboard shortcuts or mouse clicks.
  • When you click a link to a different website in a pinned tab, opens it in a new tab instead of replacing your pinned page.

Chrome and Firefox features
  • If you type a new address in a pinned tab's address bar, opens it as a new tab to preserve your pinned page

Firefox only features (to be added in Chrome)
  • When you click ANY link in a pinned tab, opens it in a new tab instead of replacing your pinned page.
    (Except for same-URL links, to prevent a tab being duplicated when refreshing a page)