

Evgeniy Orlov
Evgeniy Orlov

All-In-One PageSpeed Test v0.2resigned1

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4.40 (10 reviews)
Test any website performance with main test tools with one single click: Google PageTest Insights, GTmetrix, Yellow Lab Tools All-In-One PageSpeed Test All-In-One PageSpeed Test All-In-One PageSpeed Test All-In-One PageSpeed Test

What does this add-on?
It tests a current URL in your browser with three performance testing tools with one single mouse click:

  • Google PageSpeed Insights
  • GTmetrix (GooglePageSpeed Insights and Yahoo Yslow)
  • Yellow Lab Tools

Extension works very simple:
  1. Install Add-on
  2. Navigate to the url you want to test
  3. Click on the add-on button in the add-on bar on the to right of your FF
  4. Magic!
  5. Test results from all three test tools are opening in new tabs immediately!
Note! You maybe need to wait until test results of certain tools are ready. Test queues exist mainly at GTmetrix - other both tools deliver test results after just a few seconds of wating.

Have pleasure with performance tests and may the performance force be with you! This time-saving add-on is brought to you by, full circle media agency from Berlin, Germany