Active Whois & Flags extension v1.0.6resigned1
Display the flags, IP address and whois data of websites. You can also transfer the URL of website to Active Whois for the detailed analyzing of whois and get much more information.
PLEASE NOTE: This extension works only on Windows systems with installed Active Whois 5.2 or above. All other platforms are unsupported. Even if the trial time is over, you may use this extension to detect countries' flags.
ActiveWhois is an easy-to-use network tool for Windows platform you can use to find any information about the owners of IP address or Internet domain. You can determine the country, personal and postal addresses of owner, and/or user by IP address and domains. This cutting-edge technology allows ActiveWhois users to explore DNS aliases as well as simultaneously display both the domain and IP address information. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not require special skills to determine the desired information. Its unique WHOIS-hyperlink feature allows you to explore the domain databases easily as browsing the web.