Achromafox v24.3.31
Important: For security reasons enforced by Firefox itself this add-on will not work on the website.
Achromeatic is an AchromaJS-based tool to simulate different conditions of eye vision.
Supported Vision Simulations
- Achromatomaly Lacking most color vision
- Achromatopsia Lacking all color vision (aka color blind)
- Protanomaly Poor red-green hue discrimination
- Protanopia Red colors appears dark
- Deuteranomaly Llightly red-green hue discrimination
- Deuteranopia Moderate red-green hue discrimination
- Tritanomaly Low blue-yellow hue discrimination
- Tritanopia Absence of blue retinal receptors
- Blurry No glasses or contact lenses
- Low Contrast Similar to reading a mobile screen in the sunlight
- High Contrast Pure black-white filter
- Inverted Colors Invert all colors of a web page