Find tools to improve your workflow - right within Firefox.
Azure DevOps - Manage pull requests accross multiple repositories
Adding Voz Emoticons
Cruise the web with MANE3: ad-free, streamlined, and secure.
Some posh utilities for Shopify developers and merchants 🎉 A browser extension to extend some Shopify functionalities, notably, editting metafields, yes, for free.. Without apps!
Shows the hidden ticket fields in the create linked issue screen. For Jira Core Instances.
Search through Figma objects even in “View only” mode
Show a contributor stats when looking at an issue or PR on GitHub!
A command palette to help you control web apps with your keyboard. Press ctrl+e to bring up the palette and populate it with the names of buttons, links, and inputs on the page. Then type to fuzzy-filter the results. Hit enter to focus the element
Analyze webpages for non-secure link references.
Generate trackable QR Codes with scan metrics.
Yet another theater mode! By Daniel Renitsa and Andrew Da Geek.
Measure distances between HTML elements
Substitute certain overhyped programming terms with more accurate replacements
This extension is required by to display detailed request/responses. Created by Okta Inc.
Adds a context menu option that allows to instantly convert any selected text to kebab-case, or, in other words, turns it into a slug ( The resulted slug will be saved to your clipboard.
Ever wanted to screenshot a website but couldn't because of some sensitive data. Or fill a long form with dummy data? Loremizer is here. Simply click & lorem-ipsum-ize any website. Disclaimer: This extension stores no data at all from any website.